مؤسسة ميزان لحقوق الإنسان

Organization for Human Rights Meezaan

Meezaan Center for Human Rights meets the head of delegation of the European Commission in Tel Aviv

Press Releases

Following the closedown of al-Aqsa association for reserving holy sites and confiscating its belongings:

Meezaan Center for Human Rights meets the head of delegation of the European Commission in Tel Aviv

Delegates from Meezaan Centre for Human Rights (MCHR) in Nazareth have last Tuesday visited the head of the delegation of European commission in his office in Tel Aviv. The meeting brought together the head of the delegation Mr. Ramiro Cibrian Uzal, with representatives of the National Committe for the Defence of Freedoms (CDF), stemming from the High Follow up committee for Arabs in Israel, who are its President, Mr. Amir Makhoul, and members: Abdul Hakim Mofeed, lawyer Muhammad Me’aari, Mr.  Awad Abdel Fattah, And from MCHR its director lawyer Hassan Tabajah and the director of the Office of External Relations Mr. Mou’ad Khateb.

The delegates of MCHR have raised major issues affecting the Palestinian minority in Israel, starting with the issue of Jerusalem, and the confiscation of Palestinian and Arab lands, the discrimination in granting citizenship and civil rights, and ending with the policy of emergency regulations and the recent closure of al-Aqsa Foundation and confiscating its properties. MCHR delegates stressed the fact that the closure represents an attack on many basic human rights, including the freedom of assembly and maintaining the identity, especially that it is not based on any law but the emergency law which authorizes the police and intelligence services to take any repressive and arbitrary actions against the Arab minority without fear of accountability and prosecution.


Mr. Ramiro Uzal promised to follow up the issues raised, and pledged to establish channels of communication in the near future that might serve these issues and would facilitate their presentation at international influential forums.


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