مؤسسة ميزان لحقوق الإنسان

Organization for Human Rights Meezaan

The racist and villain judicial system of Israel

Press Releases

The racist and villain judicial system of Israel

Following is the statement signed by seventy Arab lawyers in Israel, including lawyers of Meezaan center for Human Rights (MCHR), condemning the judgment of an Israeli judge who sentenced an Israeli soldier only one-year prison after he was convicted with murder, where he shoot and cold-bloodedly killed a 29 years old hand-cuffed Palestinian worker.

Eyad Tawfeeq Abu Ra’ayeh was shoot to death from a zero distance by an Israeli police border member Abraham Tomer, while he was sitting on the ground, handcuffed, and leaning on the wall. Abu Ra’ayeh’s only guilt was going out to seek food for his family so his pregnant wife would give birth to a healthy baby.

Abraham Tomer has been brought to court where he was found guilty and convicted of murder, deserving 20 years of prison as sentenced in the text of the law. However, the sentence of judge Dr. Oded Modrek was only one year of prison, and by omitting a third of this year for good behavior and another month as an administrative discount, the murderer will not stay in prison more than seven months. While if one is convicted of committing a minor fraud breach, his punishment will be a severe one, compared to Tomer’s punishment.

The sentence of judge Modrek represents an outrageous racism towards the lives of Arabs that are strikingly considered mean and inferior.

It is a shame and disgrace of a judicial system to nominate such a judge for its highest court.

We the undersigned condemn and remonstrate against this decision and we call every supporter of equality and democracy to wake up before we retrogress into the abyss of an apartheid state, also inside the green line.

The statement signed by the lawyers has been written in Hebrew and was intended to be published on Haaretz, an Israeli paper that considers itself liberal. The paper refused to publish it in the last minute, under the claim that the statement contains incitement and inappropriate words!


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