مؤسسة ميزان لحقوق الإنسان

Organization for Human Rights Meezaan

Meezaan: Amnesty International’s report reflects the lived reality of all Palestinians across Palestine and confirms that Israel’s “democracy” is mired in racism.

Human Rights News

Amnesty International’s report, issued today, Tuesday (01.02.2022), titled “Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity” reveals and confirms what we had already said, confirmed and continue to affirm, which is that the Israeli violations practiced against the Palestinian people constitute an apartheid and a crime against humanity as defined in the Rome Statute and the International Convention for the Suppression of the Crime of Apartheid.

Based on lived experiences and working on numerous legal cases to represent victims’ of discrimination and racism, the Nazareth-based human rights organisationa, Meezaan, believes that Amnesty International’s report reflects the lived reality of the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza strip, and even the Palestinian residents of the 1948 territories. In addition, Meezaan confirms that it has faced countless challenges and obstacles whenever we tried to challenge or introduce changes to the racist Israeli laws and regulations. This confirms that the Israeli legislature and judiciary, which approves the discriminatory laws, is a partner in consolidating the apartheid regime practiced by Israel.

Meezaan warns from the continuation of Israel’s policies and practices against the Palestinians in all areas, while paying special attention of the Palestinians living in the 1948 areas who, despite Israel’s claim to treat as citizens who enjoy equal rights as its Jewish citizens, yet they have been suffering from racial, ethnic and religious persecution and discrimination since Israel was established. This group of Palestinians is treated as an inferior ethnic group and is systematically denied its collective and basic rights. This is apparent in the Knesset which has enacted countless and successive laws and regulations favouring the Jewish ethnic majority to consolidate and reinforce its domination and preserve the distinctions with the indigenous Palestinains.

Amnesty International recomends the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to consider the crime of apartheid in the context of its current investiations in hte occupied Palestinian territories alongside Israel’s practicies in the 1948 territories. It further calls on all states to exercise universal jurisdiction and bring the perpetrators of apartheid to justice. In additon, it also calls on implementing the right of return to the Palestinian refugees and their descendants and to provide full compensations to the victims of human rights violations and crimes against humanity.

It is important to note that Meezaan Organisation For Human Rights in Nazareth released a legal report in 2011 titled “Democracy Soaked in Racism – the nature and implications of the recent racist laws that were proposed and enacted in the Israeli Knesset”. The report summarized and listed the racist and discriminatory laws and explained their consequences, consequent harm, and restrictions they would impose on the Palestinians living in the 1948 areas.

Meezaan Organisation for Human Rights – Nazareth

Tuesday- 1/2/2022


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